MICROFEROLIV | FERmentative micro-organisms and new technologies for the production of natural table OLIVES. Recovery of sub-calibres for the production of olive mesocarp oil [PON art. 9, Dl 297 del 27 Luglio 1999]. The project focused on the use of fermentative microorganisms and new production technologies for olives, as well as the recovery of sub-products for the production of olive oil from the mesocarp of the olives.
PORTOBABY | Vegetable and Fruit Pastes for Baby Food – Alimenta Project co-financed by the Ministry of Economic Development for promotional and technical assistance interventions in support of the start-up of innovative companies in the agri-food sector (Innovative projects in the agri-food sector – Ministry of Economic Development, 2008-2009). The project aimed at the development of innovative technologies and methodologies for the production of new products made of sugary pastes of fruits [clementines] and vegetables [turnip broccoli]. By using innovative transformation techniques, the project intended to provide an original contribution to the production for infancy, in order to obtain improvements in the field of biosafety and quality of products intended for consumption.
S.Re.Va.Pr.O. | Translation: Strategies for the Recovery and Valorization of the Production Process of Table Olives – Institutional Agreement for the Framework Program, Framework Program Agreement for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation in the Calabria Region, Action 3 – Support for Demand for Innovation in the Agri-food Sector. The project aimed to increase the added value of a traditional food, such as naturally fermented table olives, to strengthen the competitiveness of the food industry, focusing not only on food safety but also on identifying new descriptors of nutritional, sensory, and excellence quality. The project also aimed to identify innovative process conditions, resulting in a reduction of finished product losses and the reuse of by-products.
MI.P.RE.VEGE. | The project aimed to improve olive oil production and recover vegetation water through the Measure 124 – Cooperation for the development of new products, processes, and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors – under the Rural Development Program of the Calabria Region 2007-2013. The goal was to enhance the quality and safety of extra-virgin olive oil, and to develop innovative production processes to recover by-products that were previously considered waste for the company, in order to achieve modern and typical productions.
CA.SVI.PR.OLI. | Characterization, development, and production of extra-virgin olive oil and valorization of the recovery of production by-products. Application under Measure 124 – Cooperation for the development of new products, processes, and technologies in the agricultural, food, and forestry sectors – reference Rural Development Program of the Calabria Region 2007-2013. The activities planned in the project aimed to improve the competitive quality of traditional agro-industrial productions in the Mediterranean area, such as extra-virgin olive oil, for an increase in added value, and the recovery and valorization of industrial processing waste materials.
VAL.S.OLE. | Valorization of by-products from olive oil production. Application to be used under Measure 124 – Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural and food sectors, as well as in the forestry sector – reference Rural Development Program of the Calabria Region 2007-2013. The research aims to develop processes for the recovery and reuse of waste from the olive oil industry, increase the added value of products derived from industrial waste, and evaluate the impact of reusing by-products in other research programs in the agricultural and food sector.
L.IN.F.A. | Public-Private Laboratory for Research and Innovation in the Olive Oil Chain. Public Notice aimed at the development/enhancement of High Technology Districts and existing Public-Private Laboratories- Axis 1- “Support for structural changes- high technology districts and related networks PON-RC 2007-2013. The project objectives aimed to increase the competitiveness level of the entire olive oil chain, through sector-specific actions related to the production and processing phases, with a strong emphasis on product valorization. Additionally, the project aimed to improve product quality and recover and valorize waste from the olive oil industry.
SR-INTERNATIONAL | The project aims to internationalize the typical Italian products produced by Santa Rita, within the framework of the call for proposals for granting contributions to finance internationalization programs for micro and small-to-medium-sized enterprises in Campania under the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020 program. (CUP B25F19000200007).
The main objective of the SR-International project was to strengthen the international dimension of the company in the agri-food sector and to open a new market in Romania. With the results achieved through the SR-International project, the company was able to lay the foundations for building a commercial network in the Romanian market.
The launch of the new SR-International brand dedicated to the Romanian market was an important result achieved thanks to the implementation of the project. The project promoted the image of the Campania region in Europe, incentivizing its food specialties. The implementation of project activities allowed for the creation of stable connections between Italy and the target country, Romania. During the implementation of the project activities, with the support of the provider Business Innovation Council Srl:
- A website was created in English and Romanian languages;
- Web marketing activities were carried out to promote the company’s products;
- A study of the local context was carried out through an internationalization plan;
- Specialized support actions laid the foundations for the construction of a commercial network and partnerships with Romanian actors;
- A dedicated brand was designed and created, based on originality and business needs.
The project is co-financed by the European Union, the Italian State, and the Campania Region, within the framework of the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020.

FILO | “Enhancement of the Calabrian Olive Chains through new agronomic techniques and waste recovery” PSR Calabria 2014-2020 Mis.16 Int. 16.02.01
The project in progress aims to increase the nutritional and qualitative value of typical products from the Calabria region, as well as opportunities for recovery and use of their bioactive compounds. Starting with targeted crop defense and increased yields through biological control, the project aims to recover and enhance byproducts from the olive oil production chain, with an overall goal of increasing competitiveness in the industry through innovative development of new products that strengthen profitability and improve production and environmental performance for agro-industrial operators through research and development interventions.

VIABio | “Enhancement of Agro-food Industry Wastes for the BIOlogical Recovery of Active Ingredients” Ministry of Economic Development Action 1.1.3 of Axis I of the National Operational Program “Enterprises and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 FESR for the application sectors “Smart Factory” and “Agrifood” –
The ongoing project aims to develop a technology for recovering beneficial compounds from plant waste, verify their biological and health-promoting activities, and obtain functional ingredients for use in various sectors such as nutraceuticals, functional foods, and cosmeceuticals. The lead company, SANTA RITA SRL, will employ mild technologies to create new functional and/or nutraceutical products using bioactive metabolites recovered from plant waste resulting from agro-industrial processes. The development of functional and/or nutraceutical foods requires innovative methodologies that require a multidisciplinary research approach involving technological, nutritional, medical, analytical, marketing, and management expertise to manage information and process flows effectively.
Expected results include:
- Chemical/functional characterization of plant extracts rich in biomolecules.
- Development of model systems for pharmacological, functional, and nutritional evaluation of ingredients and their technological applications.
- Development of an industrial system that preserves the functional, pharmacological, and nutraceutical properties of the extracted biomolecules.
- Formulation of models for the development of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical/functional prototypes/products.
- Production of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical/functional prototypes/products.
- Scientific publications and patent/utility model registration.

AGROPRO | “Sviluppo di un sistema di AGRicOltura circolare per la PROduzione di biostimolanti” POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014- 20- O.S. 3.1.1.